Sunday, March 2, 2014

Back After all This Time

It's been a very long time since I last posted to this blog. Illness, adjusting to retirement, dusting off and working on some manuscripts, starting some new writing projects - none are good excuses, but I'm using them anyway.

I plan to use this blog to share some excerpts from things I'm writing or have written. I've been sending excerpts to various family members via email, but some of them may not care to get them. Others who are not getting them may wish to see them. This solves the problem. Anyone who wishes to see them can drop by here. And those who don't, well, they don't have to stop by.

I'll also plan to post details about any items published.

I may even inflict upon you some personal ideas and information about events.

Some of the manuscripts I am currently working on are very old. I worked on them off and on along the line but didn't spend much time at it while working on a "real" job.

Some projects are quite new, adopted to help myself adjust to retirement.  Since my retirement was not of choice and I had been extremely ill just before being ousted for age and illness, I had some difficulty resigning myself to the new status.

I think I've found a way to live with it now; I'm focusing on my first love - writing.

At (Eunice Korczak, Snooky): A family album/family history is available in print. Also the print version of The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story is available at Blurb.

At Smashwords (Eunice Korczak): The Time Travelers: A Christmas Story is available free in several digital formats.

Perhaps the next project to be completed will be The Quest for the Golden Flowers (the title is subject to change).

Right now, my boards at Pinterest (Eunice Korczak) include one for Quest for the Golden Flowers book and one for The Red Pearl.  There I pin images from which to draw ideas for characters, settings, clothing, and other details. I have several boards with a myriad of pins. They are mostly for my own use or enjoyment, but you're welcome to take a look.

I also have an account at Watt (Eunice Korczak), but it is new. Not much there yet.


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